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Abortion Stigma

Although abortion is very common, it is often stigmatised. When a person experiences stigma, they are 'othered' by their community, thought of as different because they had an abortion. Abortion stigma exists across the world, but it is more common in places where abortion is severely restricted, such as in Malta.

Stigma often results in secrecy and silence. In fact, many people feel they cannot speak about their experiences of abortion (even if they want to) due to fear of public judgment, as well as other reasons. But speaking openly about abortion, and especially about abortion experiences, helps destigmatise abortion. When personal stories remain hidden, abortion continues being thought of as rare event. And so, abortion opponents miss out on interactions which might make them more tolerant and empathic towards people who seek and have abortions.


Abortion stigma is not inevitable!

If you've had an abortion/s, please know that you are not alone! The stories we have on our platform illustrate that, and they are only a fraction of the reality. Abortion is common. Yes, even in Malta. It is estimated that around 25% of pregnancies end in abortions worldwide, and that over 500 people in Malta have abortions each year. Even though you may be unaware of this, you probably know people who had abortions. It could be your sister, mother, daughter, grandmother, cousin, friend, colleague, or neighbour.

We respect the fact that not everyone might want to share their abortion stories, and that's ok. You do not owe your experience to anyone. However, no one should be prevented from sharing their personal stories for fear of being stigmatised by society. The experience of abortion needs to be normalised.

We also recognise that women are not the only ones who may be pregnant and need abortions. 

Stigma tal-Abort

Avolja l-abort huwa komuni ħafna, hu ta' spiss stigmatizzat. Meta persuna tesperjenza stigma, tiġi meqjusa bħala 'differenti' mill-kommunità tagħha minħabba li kellha abort. L-istigma tal-abort teżisti madwar id-dinja kollha, iżda hija iktar komuni f'postijiet fejn hemm iktar restrizzjonijiet fuq l-abort, bħal f'Malta.

L-istigma ta' spiss tirriżulta f'segretezza u silenzju. Fil-fatt, ħafna nies iħossu li ma jistgħux jitkelmu dwar l-esperjenzi tagħhom tal-abort (anke jekk jixtiequ) minħabba l-biża' ta' ġudizzju mill-pubbliku, u għal raġunijiet oħra wkoll. Perὸ, li nitkelmu bil-miftuħ dwar l-abort, u speċjalment dwar esperjenzi tal-abort, jgħin li nnaqsu l-istigma tal-abort. Meta stejjer personali jibqgħu moħbija, in-nies ikomplu jaħsbu li l-abort huwa xi ħaġa rari. Minħabba f'hekk, nies li ma jaqblux mal-abort ma jkollhomx interazzjonijiet li jaf jagħmluhom iktar tolleranti u empatiċi ma' nies li jfittxu u jkollhom abort.

L-istigma tal-abort mhix inevitabbli!

Jekk kellek abort/i, nixtiequk tkun taf li mintix waħdek! L-istejjer fuq il-paġna tagħna juru dan, imma huma biss perċentaġġ żgħir tar-realtà. L-abort huwa komuni. Iva, anke Malta. Madwar 25% ta' tqala madwar id-dinja jispiċċaw f'abort, u huwa stmat li iktar minn 500 persuna f'Malta jkollhom abort kull sena. Anke jekk mhux konxja/u, inti probabbli taf nies li kellhom abort. Jista' jkun oħtok, ommok, it-tifla tiegħek, in-nanna, kuġina, ħabiba, kollega, jew ġara.

Aħna nirrispettaw il-fatt li mhux kulħadd ħa jkun jixtieq jaqsam l-esperjenza personali tal-abort. Dan huwa dritt tiegħek. M'għandek l-ebda dmir li tagħmel dan. Perὸ, ħadd m'għandu ma jitħallix jitkellem dwar l-istorja tagħhom minħabba l-biża' li jiġu stigmatizzati mis-soċjetà. L-esperjenza tal-abort għandha tiġi normalizzata.

Aħna nirrikonoxxu wkoll li n-nisa m'humiex l-uniku nies li jistgħu jkunu tqal u jkollhom bżonn abort.

Break the Taboo Malta is an initiative to address abortion stigma in Malta by sharing personal abortion stories and related experiences.

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