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Get in Touch



How to contact us:


  1. Email us on

  2. Send us a message on Facebook

  3. If you'd rather contact us or share your story anonymously, please use the form below. (You do not have to provide your name or email address. You can use a pseudonym if you'd like.)



What can you send us?


  • Your personal abortion story or stories, particularly if you are Maltese or had an abortion while living in Malta

  • A message of support and kindness for people who have had abortions and/or are about to have abortions

  • A message explaining why you are pro-choice



Your story will be treated confidentially and posted anonymously. Your experience is valid and deserves to be heard!







Kif tista' tikkuntattjana:


  1. Ibgħatilna email fuq

  2. Ibgħatilna messaÄ¡Ä¡ fuq Facebook

  3. Jekk tippreferi tikkuntattjana jew tibgħatilna l-istorja tiegħek b'mod anonimu, jekk jogħġbok uża l-formola hawn taħt. (M'għandekx għalfejn tikteb ismek jew l-email address tiegħek. U tista' tuża psewdonimu jekk tixtieq.)



X'tista' tibgħatilna?


  • L-istorja jew stejjer tal-abort personali tiegħek, speÄ‹jalment jekk inti Maltija jew kellek abort waqt li kont qed tgħix Malta

  • MessaÄ¡Ä¡ ta' sapport u appoÄ¡Ä¡ għal nies li kellhom aborti u/jew se jkollhom abort

  • MessaÄ¡Ä¡ biex tispjega għalfejn inti favur l-għażla riproduttiva (pro-choice)



Aħna nittrattaw l-istejjer b’mod kunfidenzjali u nippublikawhom b’mod anonimu. L-esperjenza tiegħek hija valida u jistħoqqilha tinstema’!

Contact Us
Do you agree with your name/pseudonym being used publicly? / Taqbel li l-isem/psewdonimu tiegħek jintuża b'mod pubbliku?
I am sending / Qed nibgħat:
Please indicate if your story or message is related to Malta / Jekk jogħġbok indika jekk l-istorja jew il-messaġġ tiegħek għandhom konnessjoni ma' Malta
If you are sending a story: Were you living in Malta at the time? / Jekk qed tibgħat storja: Kont qed tgħix Malta dak iż-żmien?
Do you give consent for your story to be featured (anonymously) in places other than Break the Taboo Malta? / Tagħti kunsens biex l-istorja tiegħek tintuża (b'mod anonimu) f’postijiet oħra apparti Break the Taboo Malta?

Thank you! 


Break the Taboo Malta is an initiative to address abortion stigma in Malta by sharing personal abortion stories and related experiences.

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